Thanks to our donors’ generosity, the Friends of Gambrinus is pleased to announced that we have officially met 30% of Restore the King’s fundraising goal as of August 1, 2022.
As we continue to move forward towards the ultimate goal of returning Delaware’s King Gambrinus to public display, we need to ask the public’s continued support. Restore the King is 100% publicly-funded campaign. The project can only be a success with your help.
There are several ways for you to join the King’s Court and help Restore the King.
- Click here to offer either a one-time or recurring monthly donation.
- Purchase a ticket to the Delaware: A Brew Story 2022 event on Saturday, October 29 at Blue Ball Barn (details forthcoming on this website).
- When shopping at Amazon, use this link to automatically generate a donation to Restore the King via AmazonSmile’s charitable program – all at no extra cost to you!
In the coming days, we’ll be inviting our King’s Court supporters to an exclusive meeting and Q&A session, where we’ll discuss details, answer questions, collect input about the Restore the King project. Donate now for a chance to join in the discussion.
We’ll also be unveiling additional exclusives for King’s Court members in the weeks and months ahead.