By Restoretheking on June 1, 2016
The Friends of Delaware’s Gambrinus Statue, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We have raised more than 30% of our initial $100,000 goal to renovate the King Gambrinus statue to its original state. Once restored, the statue will be donated to the Delaware Historical Society for long-term presentation and preservation.
Please click DONATE above or scan the above QR code to make a tax-deductible contribution.*
Thank you!
Alapocas Run State Park ; American Breweriana Association ; Argilla Brewing Co. ; Autumn Arch Beer Project ; Bellefonte Brewing Co. ; Big Oyster Brewery ; Blue Earl Brewing Company ; Boston Beer Co.; Brick Works Brewing & Eats ; Chadds Ford Historical Society ; Chelsea Tavern ; City of Wilmington ; Crooked Hammock Brewery; Corbit-Calloway Memorial Library; Delaware Historical Society; Dew Point Brewing Co. ; Dewey Beer Co.; Diamond State Vintage Base Ball Club ; Direct Dimensions Inc. ; Dogfish Head Craft Brewery; Downtown Visions; First State Brewing Co.; Fordham & Dominion Brewing Co. ; Friends of Wilmington Parks ; Frozen Toes Brewing Co.; Greenbank Mills/Phillips Farm ; Hangman Brewing Co.; High Steaks Brewery; Historic Odessa Brewfest ; How Do You Brew ; Iron Hill Brewery Wilmington; JAKL Beer Works ; Liquid Alchemy Beverages ; Loakal Branch Brewery ; Midnight Oil Brewing Co.; Mispillion River Brewing Co.; Musings Fermentation Underground; New Castle Historical Society; N.K.S. Distributors; Ocean View Brewing Co.; Otherside Beverage Co.; Out & About Magazine; Ocean View Brewing Co.; Revelation Craft Brewing Co. ; Son of Can; Standard Distributing; Stewart’s Brewing Co.; Stitch House Brewing Co.; 3rd Wave Brewing Co.; Thompson Island Brewing Co.; Twin Lake Brewing Co.; Twisted Irons Craft Brewing Co.; University of Delaware Dept. of Art Conservation ; Volunteer Brewing Co. ; Wilmington Brew Works ; and Winterthur Museum
G. Richard Abel; David Allabaugh; Timothy Alexander; Natalie Antonov; Susan Appel; David Ashby; Sandra Baron; Derek Berkeley; Doug Bernart; Jessica Birkmire; Brice Brown; Donna Brown; Doug Brown; Missie Buchanan; Sarah Bucic; Emma Busch; Thomas Carnwath; Tom Carver; Andrew Cassey; Lisa Chambless; Dan Ciolek; Bill Condon; Michael Connolly; Joe Conway; Elizabeth Day (in memory of William Day); John Day; the late William Day; Kevin DeLancey: Brenda & Joe Demanczyk; Chase Diem; Dana Dillon; Robin & David Doody; Dan Dzedzy; Nik Everett; Mary Anne Eves; Jason Fox; Stephen French; John Fusco; Dennis Gallagher; Charlie Garbini; Willie Goldsboro; Donald Gouge; Kelley Grovola; Chaney Hall; Cynthia Helmstetter; Jeff Henderson; Jackie Hilderbrand; Mark Hores; Mike Jeandell; David Jones; Michael Jones; Jeff Kabacinski; Jeanne Kasey; Jacob Kalb; Vanessa Kalina; Jim Kelley; Bill King; David Koppeser; Allen Koski; Kimberly Krauch; Rich Kukulich; Matthew Kurth; Jackie Lee; Jessee Lee; Laura Lee; Giles Light; Bill Livesey; David Lyons; Antoinette Maccari; Sonny Maiorano; Arthur Malestein; Paul Manders; John Marinangeli; Shamaya Mayo; Cait McElhaney; John McGonegal; Matthew McGraw; the late John Medkeff Sr.; Tina & John Medkeff Jr.; Paul Menders; Joel Mey; Joseph Meyer; Adam Milecki; Sean Minderlein; Jack V. Morris; Aaron Nayer; Sally O’Byrne; Virginia O’Shea; Bruce Orr; Dan Panaro; Laura Palmer; Donnie Parker; Tammy & Scott Perlot; Rob Pfeiffer; Angela & Mike Phinney; Don Pippins; Steve Podestu; Ellen Pollack; Edward Prettyman; Jim Prettyman; Ron Price; John Pulci; Scott Rawding; Carla Rawheiser; Michael Reilly; Ryan Rice; Ellen Rodowicz; Pete Romano; Lora Russell; Alli Schell; Bruce Schweiger; Jason Scott; Spencer Scott; Dan Semenick; Chris Sfamurri; Geoffrey Sher; Luke Shotzberger; Darrell Smith; Taber Smith; Toni Spille; Paul Steiner; Scott Svensen; Stephen Sweeney & Heike Kuehn; Mike Sobel; Terri Sorantino; Jim Steele; David Stevens; Tina String; Karen Szymanski; Benjamin Taylor; Paula & Richard Truskolawski; Matt Tucker; Amy Valuck; Alice Vandever; Dan Vennard; Gail Wagner; Rich Wagner; Jaynine Warner; Tom Welsh; Mike Wilde; Jen & Scott Wootten; David Young; and scores of anonymous donors.